
La Porta di Mignana


La Porta di Mignana

Holiday Home




Casa Vacanze La Porta di Mignana

Via Mignana, 67 - 50059 Vitolini, Vinci (FI)
P.IVA 04632770485 
Tel. (+39) 0571-584726
Mobile Whatsapp (+39) 347-3174235


The holiday home "La Porta" di Mignana is nestled in the Montalbano hills, among olive groves and woodland areas. It is 4 km far from the birthplace of the genius Leonardo.
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Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo was one of the most famous men of the Renaissance, revealing his genius as a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist, and inventor.

Illegitimate son of ser Piero and a humble woman, Leonardo was born on April, 15th1452 in Vinci and died on May,2nd 1519 in the Castle of Cloux, near Amboise (France). The boy grows in his father's house and immediately shows exceptional abilities in art.


At the age of 17 he joins the workshop of the painter Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence (his companions were Botticelli, Perugino and Lorenzo di Credi), and here he brings to perfection his drawing and painting skills, which will serve then also as tools for his research and studies in other fields.


From 1482 until 1500 he is in Milan at the court of Ludovico il Moro; in this period, he explores and perfects his scientific studies and paints the famous Cenacolo (preserved in the refectory of the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan), while organizing court festivities, designing the systrem of irrigation of Lombardy, and erecting the model of the equestrian statue of Francesco Sforza.


In 1500, he leaves Milan and wanders for several years in various Italian cities, where, among other things, he builds fortifications; in Florence he paints the Battle of Anghiari in Palazzo della Signoria, and from this same period is the Mona Lisa, perhaps his most famous painting, displayed in Louvre.


In 1513 he goes to Rome under the protection of Giuliano De' Medici, and here he designs the new basilica of St. Pietro and the drainage of the Pontine Marshes. In 1517, Leonardo is called by the king of France, who wanted to adorn his court with the products of the new culture that he had discovered and admired in Italy. So, Leonardo moves to France, where he spends the last years of his life in the Castle of Cloux.


Leonardo was a multi-faceted genius, interested in countless topics. His studies pertained to the field of science, art, eingeneering, mechanics, anatomy and many others.

Not only was he a unique painter then, but he also lead a research in static and dynamic, as well as in hydrostatic. He was fascinated by flight, so he studied and analyzed the flight of birds and left many drawings of ingenious flying machines, including a helicopter and the drawing of a parachute; he also carried out similiar researches on the movements of the fish.

In the mathematical field, he was one of the founders of the aerial prospect and developed some tools including a parabolic compass. He was also interested in optics, and tried, among other things, to improve the theory of lenses and mirrors. He was fascinated by measurement techniques, and tried to build and improve various types of instruments, including a clock, a hygrometer, an odometer and a barometer, and sought to measure the expansive force of steam; he made important studies on the physiology and the anatomy of the human body, in particular on the structure of the heart. Finally, he dealt with zoology and botany, as well as with textile art, and he left a great number of other important inventions.